In San Francisco, Biden talks with tech leaders about the risks and promises of artificial intelligence.


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — President Joe Biden convened a group of technology leaders on Tuesday to discuss the "risks and vast potential" of artificial intelligence (AI).

The Biden administration aims to develop a regulatory framework for the burgeoning field of AI, with a focus on fostering economic growth, ensuring national security, and mitigating potential risks.

"At a pace faster than ever before, we will witness tremendous technological advancements in the next decade," remarked Biden during the meeting, which included eight experts from academia and advocacy groups. He emphasized that AI is already a major driver of this transformation.

The advent of AI chatbot ChatGPT and similar tools has spurred significant investment in the industry. These AI tools possess the ability to generate human-like text, music, images, and computer code. While this automation has the potential to enhance workers' productivity, experts caution against a range of associated risks.

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The rapid advancement of technology has raised concerns about its potential impact on employment, as it could potentially replace workers and lead to widespread layoffs. Furthermore, the misuse of technology, particularly in the form of manipulated images and videos, has become a significant tool for spreading disinformation and posing a threat to democratic elections. In response to these concerns, governments, including the European Union, have expressed their determination to regulate and control artificial intelligence (AI) before its negative consequences become irreversible.

President Biden has acknowledged the harmful effects that technology, particularly social media, can have when not accompanied by appropriate safeguards. In May, his administration convened a meeting at the White House, bringing together CEOs of major tech companies to discuss these pressing issues. During the meeting, President Biden emphasized the immense potential and inherent risks associated with technology.

The White House chief of staff, Jeff Zients, and his team are currently working on a series of actions that the federal government can take in the coming weeks to address the challenges posed by AI. Top officials are meeting frequently to address this issue, in addition to the daily efforts of federal agencies. The administration seeks commitments from private companies to tackle the potential risks arising from the use of AI.

On Tuesday, President Biden met with notable figures, including Tristan Harris, executive director of the Center for Human Technology; Jim Steyer, CEO of Common Sense Media; and Joy Buolamwin, founder of the Algorithmic Justice League, among others, at the Fairmont hotel in San Francisco. California Governor Gavin Newsom also attended the meeting.

While in the San Francisco area, President Biden is also actively raising funds for his 2024 reelection campaign. During his first fundraiser, he addressed concerns about infringements on individual freedoms, particularly for the LGBTQ community and the recent overturning of abortion protections by the U.S. Supreme Court. As president, Biden expressed his commitment to safeguarding the right to choose and ensuring that the American people have confidence in his administration's actions.

Addressing climate change has been a recurring theme in President Biden's speeches at the fundraisers. On Tuesday, he mentioned his expectation that John Kerry, the special envoy for climate, would soon engage in talks with China to discuss strategies for reducing carbon emissions.